We all crave beautifully flawless skin that does not need makeup but what we do to achieve it. A little prep right before makeup? or using face wash and moisturizer? That’s it! Think skincare as an investment in you and please invest in it daily that is when you are going to get results.

Being a makeup artist, I am always asked to give a makeup look that does not look cakey and is more on the natural side. I always advise my clients to take care of their skin before their wedding to have the most gorgeous-looking makeup.

The better the skin, the better the makeup will be.

skincare should be part of your self-care

A bride is often asked to maintain beautiful skin before her wedding due to the simple reason being, that the more beautiful her skin will be, the more beautiful the makeup is going to glide on her.

Skincare is a journey which is never ending. We tend to give attention to our skin only before important events which are not going to give long-term results.

Skincare should be part of your schedule and not just a process to do before makeup. In this blog, I will be sharing the steps for having good skin that you should follow in the morning and night too( with one or two steps shuffling here and there).

Cleaning The Skin Thoroughly

cleansing - the crucial step in skincare
cleansing removes the oil and dirt from the face

Cleansing the skin is the most basic and first step of a basic skincare routine and the kind of cleanser (according to the skin type) is of equal importance.

If one has oily, acne-prone or combination skin, one should go with a gel-based cleanser so that it takes off all the oil and dirt like Neutrogena deep clean cleanser, Avene cleansing gel etc.

A cream-based cleanser works very well for dry skin as it comes with a moisturising effect and does not dry out the skin like the face shop rice water cleanser, Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser etc.

Normal skin types can use either while the sensitive skin types should go for more dermat-recommended products like Cetaphil etc and should refrain from over-the-counter facewashes.

Cleansing helps to give a neat and clean base for applying makeup too. If you directly put foundation over oil and dirt, the foundation is going to mix with the grime of your face giving you an uneven texture.

One should rub the cleanser at least for a minute to give the cleanser time to start working.

Toning the skin

Toning is a controversial step in skincare. For some, it is just an unwanted step that does nothing while for some it holds an important value.

If you ask me then I would suggest going for this step to add an additional layer of moisture or freshness according to the requirement of your skin.

toners act as a great addition to the skincare routine.
toners act as a great addition to the skincare

Toners are made to maintain the skin’s Ph after washing the face. I prefer to use toner to moisturize my skin. Sometimes when my skin feels congested or oily, I use refreshing water-based toner like plum green tea toner while creamy lotion-like toner like Laneige skin refiner when I need moisture.

The correct way to use toner is to take a small quantity on your palm and apply it in a patting motion. Please do not waste cotton and product to apply the toner. It is a mere wastage of toner.

If you have dry or normal skin, you can go for moisturising toners like Laneige skin refiner or tony moly ceramide mochi toner etc. While oily or combination skin should go for oil control/acne control toner like plum green tea toner or tony moly green tea toner.

The above theory works well for the basic use of toner but you can use toners to target specific skin concerns too. like for controlling acne, oil or dryness etc.

Using The Specific Serum

Serums are the rage in the market these days. Every kind of serum is available in the market to target all skin concerns.

Serums are concentrated products which have active ingredients. In simple language, the serum has a really powerful ingredient which helps to solve specific skin concerns faster than any other skin product.

But more products in the market means less of actual useful potent serums. One should be extra careful in choosing serums for their skin. You should always research about the product, ingredients and everything else before purchasing. You can even ask me about any serum and I will research and give you a detailed review for the same.

serums are a crucial step in skincare.
serum can be a boon for your skin in a long term

Never rely on advertisements while purchasing skincare products. They might mislead you and might waste your money. As serums are active in nature, right from packaging to pricing, everything is taken care of very carefully.

There are some serums in the market which are not at all worth a penny as they do not possess the characteristics of a serum. Some serums are not packed accordingly while others have their main ingredient on the last of the list. Hence research and invest accordingly when it comes to serum especially.

A few good serum brands that I can recommend personally are The Minimalist, The Ordinary, Innisfree, The Face Shop, Klairs, Estee Lauder etc.

Good Moisturizer

A good moisturizer is necessary for the skin and combat dryness. Do not go for the myth that oily skin does not need a moisturizer. Please use a moisturizer according to your skin type otherwise it will make the skin dryness or oiliness worst.

The dry skin type should go for thick cream/lotion according to the weather it demands. Like in winter, dry skin need thick cream with some facial oil and in summer it might need thick lotion only.

Always experiment according to the skin type and then stick to the one that suits you and your skin requirement.

moisturizer is a crucial step in skin care
moisturizer is a concluding product in sunscreen

The oily/combination or acne prone skin type should go for a light weight lotion like moisturizer. One of the reasons of having a oily skin type is not applying moisturizer.

We tend to skip moisturiser as there is already enough oil on the skin surface but that oil is produced by skin to balance the skin moisture.

Another thing is do not rub your moisturizer in the skin but pat it inside the skin for the better results.

Sunscreen Application

The one product which is not used the way it should be is sunscreen. Everyone knows the importance of sunscreen but only few actually applies it. Sunscreen not only protects you from the sun but also helps in preventing ageing.

sunscreen in skin care
sunscreen is a must in skincare

Look for the sunscreen which does not leave a white cast or makes the face shinier. A good sunscreen should be above SPF 30 and atleast have PA+++ protection too.

There are two kinds of sunscreen- physical/mineral sunscreen and chemical sunscreen. Physical sunscreen sits on the top of the skin surface, reflects sunlight, works instantly but wears off easily. chemical sunscreens ,on the other hand, goes into the skin and release UV from the skin. It is less sticky and takes time to start working.

Weekly Routine Of Exfoliation

Exfoliation of skin holds much importance. It removes oil, dirt and every other unwanted material from the skin that results in blackheads, whiteheads and acne.

exfoliation in skincare
exfoliation is a weekly process

Exfoliation is of two kinds- physical and chemical. Physical exfoliation means using scrubs and peels to remove the dead skin. It is the traditional process of exfoliation. But this process is harsh for the skin and can cause micro tear in the skin and can also aggravate the acne. So in my opinion one should stop using physical exfoliators.

Chemical exfoliation is a revolution in the beauty industry. It gives the skin of your dreams and target specific concerns faster than any exfoliator. The thing with chemical exfoliation is that it cannot be applied directly without the patch test. Also it should be included in your skincare slowly starting with the minimum percentage and eventually higher percentage.

With this I conclude this blog about skincare and how one should include these in their skincare routine. For any question, recommendation or suggestion, you can always message me. Till the next blog, have a good life.