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Hey Hey, thank you for stopping by. If you are reading this, I am super grateful and excited as well, as you took out your precious time to know about me because I usually don’t (which isn’t a good thing). Welcome to my portion of the internet! I am Ritu, the one who writes here for you. I have done many things as I am a learner with a variety of interests. One of such interests is makeup. I am a makeup artist, who is a skincare junkie too and writing is another skill that comes naturally to me. So I thought why not merge them together and help people to make the right decisions because not every hyped-up product is worth your money or specifically your precious skin. I started this blog with the intention of giving you a clearer idea of how the product behaves when applied. Whenever I want to buy anything, I research about it a lot… a lot!!! After reading/watching multiple blogs, I purchase the product. Not to miss the fact that it turns out to be not as good as it seemed, which made me think about the problem or disappointment one suffers by receiving a product that doesn’t match up to one’s expectations. So I want to help you guys in selecting products without jumping here and there. This takes a lot of time and by time, I mean days, which is not possible for everyone to invest in. I want to be the shoulder you can lean onto, at least when it comes to giving you honest and straight reviews. Here you will see loads of skincare and makeup reviews along with a few tips on makeup here and there. And who knows, you might get some more of me on this journey as we grow together. Also, please follow me on my socials by clicking here and don’t forget to subscribe to my website here, common it is free of cost for you and full of happiness for me. Till the time, stay happy, stay blessed and stay you! Yours truly Ritu
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