There has been a sudden market for rosemary oil these days. Thanks to the Instagram reels that are infamously famous for provoking a trend. However, I must admit that rosemary oil is not just a fad but valid.

Regarding beauty (and with that comes confidence), the one aspect common and essential to males and females is ‘HAIR,’ also known as the crowning glory. Shiny, thick, and beautiful hair takes anyone’s self-esteem to a new height.

rosemary leaves
rosemary leaves

But these days, maintaining beautiful and healthy hair takes a lot due to lifestyle, diet, and stress. Gone are the days of simply oiling your hair, tying it, and that’s it! Hair and scalp, to be precise, need the utmost love and care.

How is rosemary oil beneficial for your hair growth?

Rosemary oil is a fragrant essential oil derived from the Rosmarinus Officinalis plant leaves and is known for its versatile properties.

It has anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help stimulate hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp.

Traditionally it has been used in aromatherapy, culinary traditions, and medicines.

rosemary essential oil
rosemary essential oil

Benefits of using rosemary oil for hair-

  • Stimulates hair growth– Rosemary oil helps to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, which indirectly helps in promoting hair growth by providing more nutrition for the hair to grow.
  • Strengthen hair and improve texture – Regular use of the oil can make the hair less prone to breakage and also add shine to it.
  • Prevents premature greying- premature greying is the most common thing these days. Be it an adult or a child, anyone can have those visible greys on the scalp irrespective of age. regular use of rosemary oil can prevent the greying of hair by the anti-oxidants present in the oil that combats oxidative stress.
  • Fights dandruff and scalp issues- Due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in fighting dandruff and other issues of the scalp.

How to use the oil effectively?

The number one mistake that people often make is that they apply the oil directly on the scalp which is the wrong thing to do as this oil comes under the essential oil category and works after diluting it with other carrier oil.

You should buy a 100% pure rosemary essential oil and mix it with any carrier oil of your choice like coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil. The ratio can be around five drops of rosemary oil with 10 ml of any carrier oil.

rosemary oil for hair growth
one of the best oils for hair growth

Use a wide teethed comb the evenly distribute the oil on the scalp after massaging the oil for a good 15-20 minutes. You should leave it on for at least 30 minutes before shampooing and is safe to leave overnight too.

Use it twice a week at least for maximum results and not to miss that consistency is the key here.

Pregnant or breast-feeding moms should avoid it as it may produce uterine contractions.

Disclaimer: Please do a patch test before applying any product on the skin or on the scalp. Anything be it 100% natural or chemical-based, might cause allergies.

Brands that sell good quality rosemary essential oil in India-

With its rich history and traditional use, rosemary oil is surely going to give you luscious strands of your dreams. But remember the results may take time (weeks to months) and vary for every individual. Patience and consistency is the key here.